chiropractic nutrition health

Do you know which supplements and vitamins are good for you?
We can provide an evaluation of your nutritional needs and make recommendations on supplements and diet modifications that naturally support the body. For more than 85 years Standard Process and Medi Herb have made nutritional supplements with whole food ingredients. Unlike other over the counter options, these products are not synthetic or fake. Dr. Royal Lee (the founder of the company) had a goal to provide nutrients as they are found in nature. The company's formulas provide safe, high-quality nutritional support with unique combinations of synergistic ingredients.

Take a close look at the ingredients in your supplements. Can you pronounce them? If you see a list of chemicals instead of real food, your body won't recognize the ingredients either. That product is in essence expensive urine and fecal matter which your body will have to try to eliminate. Learn more about the benefits of whole food nutrition and supplementation sold through health care professionals. Your body will thank you!

We can help you live your life in high resolution. 
Are you hungry for good health? Ask Dr. Boushehri about a stress and toxicity questioner to see if you are a good candidate for the Standard Process Purification Program. Experience the benefits of helping your body cleanse. The program combines a generous menu of whole foods with supplements that support the body’s ability to remove naturally occurring toxins. No fad diet. No starvation. Naturally occurring toxins that build up in the body can contribute to:

Detox Balance Program explained.

  • A stuffy feeling in the head

  • Fatigue or difficulty sleeping

  • Indigestion and other temporary gastrointestinal upset

  • Food cravings and weight gain

  • Reduced mental clarity

  • Low libido

We provide you with personalized consultation throughout the process, a cookbook filled with fantastic recipes and a guidebook so that you can document your progress along the way. Discover the benefits of a detoxification program.